Our own Mike Halim and his son, Randy, have started a new construction business in Fall City, WA (with help from the SnoValley Innovation Center). They even gave us a shout out in their interview with the Snoqualmie Valley Record. Their company name is Main Home Solutions. They have an amazing story.
You can join us any Friday at noon to get the same kind of help that Mike & Randy got from us.
Great Innovation Friday conversation today, with discussions covering the Preston Food Bank database, North Bend Theatre transitioning to Square, the value of hiring a contractor, vs DIY, with Main Home Solutions Construction, the current state of the printing industry, and new clients with RM Graphics. The session ended with an interesting discussion on the validity of trade shows and recording capabilities between MS Teams and Zoom. Always something to learn!
Meeting ID: 850 9704 4374
Passcode: 191036
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