April 21


What Are Your Numbers?

By Walt

April 21, 2023

For those of you who are helping friends with start-ups or reorgs, Walt was a wealth of information! We opened with a brief conversation on the term “Omnichannel”. The discussion turned to the need for working on site vs. remote and the changing philosophy.

Then the topic of the day: What are your numbers? Do you know where your business stands today? How does it stand against your forecast? Are you getting better at what you do? Are you more efficient? Are you billing what you are worth?

Do you know your worth? Most important…When you wake up on a Saturday morning do you LOVE what you are doing? This was a session not to miss!

About the author

I love helping businesses get started or improving their processes. My business is focusing on the raw data that businesses generate & making sense of all of it. I live statistics and optimizing business workflows.

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